Painted Chick

Painted Chick

Painted Chick.jpg

We did this craft before Easter, but I think it also can be a craft you can do anytime. It is another unique craft in that you don’t use a paint brush. And if your kid is a little older, they should be able to do it all without little help!

We started out with yellow paint, a fork, and a piece of white cardstock. You could do this with a canvas if you wanted it to be something more stable too. Basically, you take the fork, dip it in the paint, and make a circle/oval object with it. Then let it dry.

After it dries, use glue to attach two eyes and a triangle orange nose cut from construction paper. You could also use a marker to draw both of those things if you don’t have eyes or construction paper. And also use a black marker to draw its legs. And you are done! Easy and cute!

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