Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Ten

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Ten

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So this would have been Melody’s last week of school and her last week of dance before her recital this past weekend. Well we know the ending to that story, right? We actually get to go to her preschool this week and pick up her things since we unexpectedly stopped school. It will be through the carline and we won’t get to hug or see any of her classmates, but at least this does give us some closure. As far as her dance recital, it has been postponed until June. And she actually gets to go back to dance class next week! Yay! Anyhow, onto the week. We did school as usual, but Melody was not into getting dressed in her tutu and tights for dance, so we didn’t argue. Our biggest battle this week was learning to brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Anything that involves change is a battle. But by the end of the week she wasn’t fighting us as much!

As I said above, this next week we get to go pick up her things at her preschool. It is also the week leading up to her birthday, so we will be prepping for that some too!

Preschool Teacher Gift

Preschool Teacher Gift

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