All tagged School

Melody's Last Day of 1st Grade

It is hard to believe 1st grade is already over! The year really flew by, but it was a great one. With COVID not being as prevalent, things really got back to normal as far as school goes. I was able to be at her school in her classroom at least once a week. And I volunteered outside of that as well. Melody has grown tremendously, and she has really blossomed. And to make things much less stressful, her 1st grade teacher is “looping” and will also be her 2nd grade teacher. I loved her teacher, and so this makes 2nd grade look so much better!

March 2023 Fun

As my previous post explains, we have been pretty busy between Spring Break, Easter, starting a new company, and life in general. March was a really fun month though! Check out all the fun below.

Wooden Peg Craft

A few months ago, my daughter’s teacher asked if myself and another mom could help with a craft in her class one Friday morning. They were learning about various tiny people. She found some wooden pegs from Amazon, and she wanted the students to create their own tiny person along with an item from their story. I decided to google each character and make a “sample” to give the kids a starting point if they needed it. Quite a few had their own ideas and totally made them unique to their personality.

School Gifts

For Melody’s class at her school, we made little Christmas bags for each student. Each bag contained candy and an ornament craft. I found the bags at Hobby Lobby. Melody also added a little note in each one. I made similar ones for her school teacher and dance teachers, but I left out the ornament craft. The candy we included were various flavored Hershey kisses, snickers, Reese trees, Kit Kats and candy canes. They seemed to be a hit at school, and the kids even did the craft during indoor recess!

Melody's Last Day of Kindergarten

Honestly, I do not know how we got here so fast. I mean check out this post of her first day! The last month of school flew by. We had book fairs, lunches, kite day, field day, and kindergarten celebration (I may be missing a few things too!). Luckily I was able to be there for all of it and see her experience so much that last month. She truly grew up so much this year. Not just physically, but she has learned so much and gained so much confidence along the way. Below are pictures from her graduation celebration and her very last day of school. I will miss her teacher so much, but I can’t wait to see what her future holds! Bring on 1st grade!

End of Year Student Gifts

I was torn on whether to send end of year gifts for the students in Melody’s class. But since there are only 15 kids in her class, I thought why not. I kept it simple with some different candies and a “sweet” signed card.

Red Ribbon Week

Melody’s elementary school celebrated Red Ribbon Week back in October along with most of our state (maybe nation, I don’t know much about how far it extends beyond Alabama). While I love dress up days, I do hate that it landed the week of Halloween when I was already working on our Butterbean Costumes. But we managed to come up with all the outfits for the week after a run to Walmart and Hobby Lobby!

Back to School Pictures

As part of a school fundraiser, a local photographer took back to school pictures at the lake at Melody’s elementary school. I loved how these pictures turned out. The photographer was so sweet and did such a great job. And I love having this little piece of her childhood documented.

Melody's Preschool Graduation

Melody graduated from her preschool a few weeks ago. It was super emotional leading up to it, but the night of I didn’t cry as much as I expected. I absolutely loved her preschool, and I am most sad to be leaving it versus her simply going to kindergarten. I am excited to see her grow and continue on at her new school, but I will really miss her teachers and small school for sure!

Melody's Fall 2020 School Pictures

WE FINALLY GOT A SMILE! This is Melody’s third year of preschool, and I think her 4th or 5th school pictures. She has always refused to smile. There were even sometimes she claimed she smiled but never did. This year she smiled! It turned out so cute and adorable!

Melody's First Day of Preschool

So this year is Melody’s third and final year of preschool. I remember first signing her up for preschool and crying after dropping her off for her first day. Last year was complete chaos because we had just moved, and it of course ended just as chaotically. She goes to school the morning of March 13, and we never went back except to pick up her belongings in May. This year we have high hopes on a really great year. There are some changes this year, but we are looking forward to getting back into a routine and getting Melody back to school to learn and socialize.

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Ten

So this would have been Melody’s last week of school and her last week of dance before her recital this past weekend. Well we know the ending to that story, right? We actually get to go to her preschool this week and pick up her things since we unexpectedly stopped school. It will be through the carline and we won’t get to hug or see any of her classmates, but at least this does give us some closure. As far as her dance recital, it has been postponed until June. And she actually gets to go back to dance class next week! Yay! Anyhow, onto the week. We did school as usual, but Melody was not into getting dressed in her tutu and tights for dance, so we didn’t argue. Our biggest battle this week was learning to brush our teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Anything that involves change is a battle. But by the end of the week she wasn’t fighting us as much!

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Eight

So in the COVID-19 world, Alabama was released from our “stay at home orders” and now we are under “safer at home orders again”. Basically non-essential stores may open at lower capacities, but that does not include salons, massage parlors, etc. There are some other rules and changes, and you can find those online if you are truly interested. That all began on Friday, May 1. We don’t really plan to change much, if any, of our routine until we see how these next two weeks pan out.

Oreo Valentine Exchange

I mentioned Thursday that I had hoped to post this sooner. But Melody and I didn’t come up with a Valentine Exchange idea until Wednesday. So I spent Thursday creating it! Melody wanted to give her classmates and teachers Oreos. Thankfully Publix had their individually wrapped Oreos BOGO this week. I opted to get the larger sized ones. I had approximately 24 kids/teachers to give them to, so this worked out best too.

First Day of School

Melody started back at school last week. It was in the midst of a lot of chaos. We sold our first home and purchased our new home on a Thursday and sent her to school on Monday. While this may seem ideal, we spent Sunday night searching for last minute things we forgot to leave out for school. No fancy sign this year because I couldn’t find the chalk markers. I thought I knew where they were, and I gave up around midnight and used a piece of construction paper and sharpie instead. I found the most adorable dress from Smocked A Lot, and while she did cry when we dropped her off, I think she was super confused at all the moving and not being at her “normal” house and such. She is now perfectly fine!

Melody's First School Pictures

Melody had her first school pictures a month or so ago. When visiting Brad’s parents one weekend, she bought Melody the most adorable dress. She planned to have it monogramed, but I really wanted it for school pictures. So she let me take it back for pictures, then I brought it back to her for the monogramming. It is such a cute dress! Well Melody and pictures don’t always jive. She loves to take selfies on my phone, and she will usually crack a smile for Brad if he is behind the camera. And she will even sometimes smile for my nicer camera. But I knew with neither of us there it was a long shot. And I was right! See both her individual picture and class picture below. She was over pictures from the start, ha!

Melody starts PRESCHOOL!

We decided to enroll Melody into preschool this fall.  Since I am a stay at home mom, the doctor recommended she either start school or do a mother's morning out to help her spend more time with other kids and develop more social skills.  So we opted for a preschool we toured in the spring and loved.  It is very small, affordable, and we loved the facilities.