Snow and Ice Week

Snow and Ice Week

Snow and Ice Week 2021.jpg

Last week was a crazy one in terms of weather.

So Monday was President’s Day, so Melody was out of school. Then Tuesday happened. Melody doesn’t go to school on Tuesdays, but things shut down due to potential ice and snow. Like we were prepped in case the ice turned bad and we lost power for days. It was exceptionally cold, but luckily the ice we did receive didn’t cause any issues for us. We did get some snow, so we spent Tuesday afternoon playing it what little we had. Melody loved the sled. Brad did have to pull her through it, but she didn’t know any differently. Brad’s arms had to be sore the next day, ha!

School was cancelled Wednesday because of the potential for black ice. Melody did get to dance though. We expected some snow overnight, but it was supposed to be gone by Thursday morning. Melody’s school even decided to let Melody’s class go to school on Thursday if they wanted as a makeup day. Well around 8 pm after bath time, we noticed it snowing…A LOT. So we decided to go crazy, get suited up, and head outside! It was the perfect sledding weather for sure. We all were able to sled down the drive way, and it snowed like crazy for hours. I think we got around 3-4 inches of snow. We did all this assuming the snow would be gone by morning.

Then we woke up Thursday to cancelled schools, cancelled food therapy, and lots of snow. It actually stayed most of the day, and Brad and Melody were able to go outside and finally build that snowman she has been wanting! She was so excited until it crumbled an hour later.

And then of course school was cancelled again on Friday due to the threat of black ice, but the kids got to go back to school this past week thankfully! It was in the 70s!



Bellpepper Egg Salad Boats

Bellpepper Egg Salad Boats