Chefs de France - May 2021

Chefs de France - May 2021

Chefs de France.jpg

One of Brad’s most favorite restaurants at Disney World that we do almost every single trip is Chefs de France. On our last few visits, I finally found food I really loved there. My favorite has always been the lobster bisque, but on our trip in 2019, I found a new favorite - flat iron steak with pomp frites. It was amazing. But with COVID, they have limited their menu dramatically. So I wanted to do another review with the current menu. Below are review from previous trips:

We ended up eating here for lunch on our very first day at the parks. It was not our original plan, but we made it work. You can find their current lunch menu here. They did not give paper menus out when we went. I do wish I would have studied their menu more because looking back I would have ordered something else.

So Brad went with his usual since it remained on the menu: grilled tenderloin of beef with mashed potatoes and green beans. For dessert he got his usual again of creme brûlée. He said all was good as it always has been.

I went with French Onion soup and house salad from the appetizer menu. Looking back I realized they had a salad on the entree menu that had chicken. It looked much better on the table beside us, and I didn’t end up loving the soup. It was just too much on a hot day. But the salad was really good. For dessert I ordered kids’ strawberry tart. It was delicious, but it was much more than a strawberries with whipped cream in a shell.

We ordered Melody the kids’ grilled chicken with fries. I guess I was so distracted by my own food, I forgot to get a picture of hers. She actually enjoyed the fries. They were really good. She didn’t eat the chicken, but my dad and I ate it. It was ok. Nothing fancy, but good for a kid.

My parents both ordered the exact same thing I did for their meals, but they ordered the chocolate tart for dessert. They both seemed to really like the tart. Mom really liked the soup, so if you like French Onion soup, it is recommended by her.


So if I was on a solo trip with the current menu, I would not eat here until the lobster bisque at least returns. But since Brad loves it, I would eat here again with him and just get the entree salad. My parents were not the biggest fans, especially my dad. I think it would really just depend on if anything on the menu sticks out to you. I mean I haven’t had anything bad there yet, but like I said, what I loved isn’t there right now anymore.

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