All tagged Household Cleaners

Cleaning our Washing Machine

I try and clean our washing machine itself once a month. I sometimes do it more in the summer when Brad mows because grass can build up in it. So I will clean it every time I wash his outside clothes. I have used a variety of cleaners, but I did want to share my latest cleaning experience.

Cleaning Outdoor Cushions

So last year we got a new patio set since our new house had an actual covered patio. We used it some but not as much as I would have liked since our yard was still a disaster, and we traveled a lot in the fall. Well even though we didn’t use it an incredible amount, it still had some mildew like stains on it. I tried numerous things to clean it until I found a perfect solution. Check it out below!

How to Remove a Chocolate Milk Stain

Being a mom, you find a lot of stains on clothes. We encountered a new stain this year…chocolate milk. So this may seem common to most, but Melody hates chocolate milk, ha. Well one day she came home from school with it all over her shirt. And adorable Cinderella shirt. I forgot about said stain, and I washed it. I even dried it. Ugh. But I did some work, and I managed to remove it.

Time Saving Household Cleaners

Having a one year old and being a stay at home mom, I have to find ways to clean our house easily and in a short amount of time.  Melody follows me around and likes to be right underneath me, so I don't want to spend all day cleaning.  I usually clean early in the morning right after she gets up.  She is happiest during this time of day, and she will usually play more without being right under me.  So this gives me an hour or so a day to clean or do some sort of chore.  I can also do some things during her naps, but I usually like to decompress and blog during that time.  So below are just three things that I feel have made a huge difference in my household cleaning!