All tagged Tacos

Taco Seasoning

So we eat tacos fairly frequently. So much so I bought a huge thing of taco seasoning from Sam’s a while back. We do taco ring, tacos, chicken tacos, etc. Well I recently ran out, and we haven’t renewed our membership. I also forgot to get any at Walmart on the week we had planned to make tacos. So I did some googling and found a recipe I liked, and we had all the ingredients in our spice cabinet. Brad actually prefers this version, so I may make a bigger batch since it stores well. We used all of this in one week, ha.

Breakfast Tacos

Lately we have been making breakfast tacos at least once a week. They are super easy to make, we keep all the ingredients at home, and it doesn’t require any thawing, ha! I make them multiple ways depending on what ingredients we do have. But I do have a basic “recipe” I follow and add things in. Check it out below.

Taco Mama

So I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while. I honestly kept forgetting about it. “Reviewing” restaurants hasn’t been as much of a priority to me the last year because it is hard with a two year old to have time to take pictures of food. I am lucky to eat my food before it is half cold, ha! So back when we were living at a hotel during our kitchen renovation, we were staying right across the street from Taco Mama. It is fairly new on our side of town, and I had yet to try it. I know many people who rave about it, so I really wanted to eat there. One night we finally had dinner there.

Taco Salad

Is it weird to see a recipe on a day other than Friday?!?  Well this really isn't a recipe so to speak.  The pictures speaks for what the recipe is.  But I did want to share it because it was really yummy nonetheless.  I found this "recipe" on Pinterest.  You can customize it anyway you want.  The base is lettuce, then the toppings are up to you!  I added avacado, sour cream, salsa, taco meat, cheddar cheese, and green onions.  I lined it all up nice and pretty, then I mixed it altogether to eat!  Yummy!

Crockpot Chicken Tacos

Most weeks we get together with my best friend and her husband.  We take turns cooking dinner for each other.  It is definitely easier when we use our crockpot!  I love making and eating Mexican food, so I found a super easy recipe for chicken tacos in the crockpot.  Check it out below!

Taco Ring Recipe

I LOVE Mexican food!  Brad can attest to this.  He isn't the biggest fan of it, but he has learned to like it more.  When I was pregnant with Melody, we ate at Taco Bell more times than I can truly count.  I think since I had Melody, he has only been there once with me!  I still love it and go when I get a chance, however.  Anywho...because Brad isn't the biggest fan of Mexican food, I try and mix it up.  Our friends make a taco ring every now and then during Walking Dead gatherings, so I decided to try making it as well.  We both love theirs, so we new we would love it.  It is super easy to make and really yummy and cheap!  Check it out below.