The Trolley Car Cafe

The Trolley Car Cafe

On our recent trip to Disney World, we visited The Trolley Car Cafe for a quick breakfast.  We wanted something semi-filling, but we didn't have time to sit down anywhere.  This was the first thing we saw as we were walking down Hollywood Boulevard.  Check out my review below.

So for those that do not know, this is basically a fancy Starbucks.  They serve all Starbucks coffee and pastries, etc.  I am certain some of the food items are only available at Disney, however.  But if you like Starbucks and their food offerings, you should enjoy the food here.  Below are some shots of the set up when you walk in.  There are two lines.  Just pick a side and go with it.  If you are ordering food, it can get confusing.  They actually take your food order at the locations where the food is located (you can see a Castmember taking an order for the girls in front of us below).  If you are just ordering coffee, you can skip this and go to an available cashier.  However, please be sure not to break in line at the same time.  We had an exceptionally rude person behind us who pushed her way to the front.  She did ask if we were ordering food.  But it turns out, she ordered food too when she got to the cashier.  Very rude indeed!  Oh well.

After you order your food, they will give you a slip of paper to give to the cashier.  Then you can order any beverages and pay for both it and the food.  Afterwards, you will just gather around the condiments until they call your name (just like a normal Starbucks).  We waited about 10-15 minutes.  What was semi-frustrating was that they had my sandwich ready about 5 minutes before Brad's.  I am not sure why they didn't make them at the same time.  That was the only real frustrating part.  It moved really fast otherwise.  

After we received our food, we had to find somewhere to eat it.  All the tables outside of the cafe were full.  I decided to walk over to Echo Lake (super close) and get a table over there.  There are plenty of tables with umbrellas surrounding the lake.  This early in the morning this area was practically empty, so we did not have any trouble finding a table.

Brad ordered the sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, and I ordered the bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit.  Of course they had much fancier names, fancier cheese, and fancier breads.  We were both so hungry I forgot to get a picture of Brad's sandwich before he inhaled it.  Below are pictures of my sandwich.  It wasn't anything spectacular, but it was a nice change from a pastry that you would find elsewhere.  I was still a little hungry afterwards, but I knew it was already so close to lunch that I would be eating fairly soon.  You can also tell that it is not made from scratch or fresh.  They literally "heat" it up.  

Even though this wasn't the "best" sandwich ever, I would definitely eat here again for breakfast if given the opportunity.  The wait wasn't terribly long, and the food wasn't a bad deal.  They do only serve bottled fountain drinks, but some people do prefer that.  I am not sure if I would stop here later in the day because it does seem to be busier, but it was a nice, semi-hearty breakfast!



February 2017 Disney World Trip Report Part Four

February 2017 Disney World Trip Report Part Four