

***NOT my picture.  This photo is from the Walt Disney World website.

On our recent trip to Disney World, we tried PizzeRizzo at Hollywood Studios.  This wasn't pre-planned by any means (we originally planned to eat at Backlot Express).  We did plan to eat somewhere at Hollywood Studios for lunch, and we preferred something quick-service to save money.  While Brad was riding Star Tours around 12:30 p.m. or so, Melody and I waited in the Muppet Courtyard in some shade we found.  I have no desire to ride Star Tours unless I am riding it WITH Brad, so we did not do a rider swap for this attraction.  When Brad was finished and came to find me, it occurred to be to try PizzeRizzo since we were literally already right there!  And pizza was the one thing we had not eaten this entire trip.  Below is a quick review!

When you first walk inside the entrance, you will see a huge open area for ordering your meal.  I am certain this will eventually fill up one day when they open Toy Story Land and Star Wars Land.  Personally, MuppetVision isn't a must do.  And with all of the closed attractions and walking paths, not as many people visit the Muppet section I feel.  So on this day, there was literally no one in line except us!  Below are shots of the menu.  Very basic menu, but Brad was excited to see tiramisu on it!  He loves tiramisu.  There are not a lot of options, but that is what makes it really quick.

Another HUGE perk about eating here...they let you bring your strollers inside!  I am sure if it gets super busy, they may encourage you not to.  We did ask since most restaurants do not allow you to bring it, and the Castmember said it was no problem!  While Brad waited on our food, Melody and I went and found a seat.  There are three areas to dine in.  One is outside on the patio.  I really wasn't a fan of eating outside myself, so we skipped this option.  Another was upstairs in the dining room.  We never made our way upstairs since it would require the elevator trip, but you can see some great pictures over on the Disney Food Blog!  We sat in the main area downstairs.  Below are a couple of pictures I took of it.  

Not long after sitting down, Brad walked up with our food!  We both ordered the cheese pizza combo, and Brad also ordered the tiramisu (and of course I forgot to take a picture of it-I am really bad about this!).  So I personally love Disney pizza.  It may be just because I generally love pizza, and I love Disney!  BUT, this pizza was no exception.  It was really good.  It isn't anything different from other pizza places you may find at Disney World (example - it tastes identical to the pizza found at Pizzafari found at Animal Kingdom).  The salad was ok.  I alway like to get it to have something light and refreshing against the pizza, but in no way is it amazing.  I mean, it is salad in a cup!  

If you like pizza and you are looking for somewhere easy to find a seat, I would recommend PizzeRizzo in a heartbeat.  I would not necessarily go out of my way to eat here unless I was simply looking for low crowds, but if you find yourself on this side of Hollywood Studios, you should try it!

Sunshine Seasons

Sunshine Seasons

The Trolley Car Cafe

The Trolley Car Cafe