Beaches and Cream Review

Beaches and Cream Review


My mom and I visited Beaches and Cream for the very first time on our trip in January.  Brad and I visited the to-go counter back in December and bought a milkshake and an ice cream cone.  Because of this visit in December, I came home and found dinner reservations for mom and me.  The food smelled and looked delicious from our brief walk inside.  So I really wanted to give this restaurant a try. I planned it on the day we were already visiting Epcot so that we could just walk over.  It worked out perfectly because we were able to take a bus from the Beach Club to Disney Springs for some shopping.  Check out our pictures and review below:

Our reservation was at 6, but we checked in about 30 minutes early just in case.  We were lucky and only had to wait around 10 minutes before being seated!


Since there were only two of us, I fully expected to be seated in one of the small round tables.  But we were lucky and we were seated in a booth.  I loved having the extra room to spread out with both our food and our things!

The restaurant is SUPER tiny.  You can google more pictures, but I did include a few I took below. I did find it hard to find a reservation at first from returning from Disney in December.  However, as the dates approached, I started to find plenty of reservations open up.  I did see them turn away people who did not have a reservation due to how small the restaurant is, so I highly recommend them.

Below is the current menu.  

I was torn on what I wanted to get.  My mom knew she wanted either the chicken or tuna salad.  I really wanted to try the burger, but I was afraid it would taste like any other burgers you'd find at Disney World.  I decided to ask the waitress her thought on the burger.  Depending on her response, I would then determine my meal.  If the burger wasn't fresh and just a frozen patty like other restaurants, I would get the tuna salad sandwich.  If it was fresh, I would try it.  Of course, she told me it was fresh and she considered it the best burger at Disney.  My mom ended up getting the chicken salad.  We both decided to upgrade our fries.  I got the sock hop fries, and my mom got the cheese and bacon fries.

I must say I had super high expectations for my burger.  I am not entirely sure why since I was at Disney World.  I really knew better.  But I took the word of the waitress and even some reviews I read prior to our trip.  My thought was it would be a super delicious diner burger.  It would have amazing flavor, and it would taste incredible.  Well I was disappointed on several levels.  First this was a very, very bland burger.  There was literally not a single bit of flavor from the burger itself.  I had to cover it in mayonnaise and ketchup just to add flavor to the sandwich.  Second, the burger was not done.  It was still pink in the middle.  I know a lot of people aren't phased by this, and they actually prefer it.  But I want my burger well done.  So I only had about 3-4 bites before I realized this.  I am not one to make a big deal at a restaurant, so I didn't say anything.  I think if the burger would have tasted good, I might have made a deal so that I could have had a new burger.  But even if they had given me a new burger, I wouldn't have eaten much since it overall didn't taste amazing.  I would say the burger at D-Luxe Burger was FAR superior.


The sock hop fries were really good; they were much better than the burger.  The gravy was traditional white gravy, and it had a very great flavor.  I expected the cheese to be melted, but instead it was cold shredded mozzarella cheese.  The flavors still worked really well together and it paired perfectly with the fries.  I had a few fries that I did not have enough gravy for, so I used regular ketchup for those.  

I tried my mom's chicken salad.  It was really good and tasted very fresh.  The chicken was very chunky.  The chicken salad was literally falling off the sandwich.  They put WAY too much on the croissant.  But I guess that isn't a real complaint, ha!  I am super picky about chicken salad, so I doubt I would get this in the future.  Instead I would try the tuna salad.  The croissant tasted fresh, and it did all pair together very well.  Mom seemed to like it.


Now the cheese and bacon fries were AMAZING!  I loved that the cheese was melted cheese sauce (mom wasn't a fan of this part).  It had a very good amount of onions and bacon on it too.  But my most favorite part was the garlic peppercorn ranch.  It went perfectly with all of the other toppings.  If I return, I would not hesitate to get these again.  I might even just get these, ha!  I loved them so much, I finished my mom's!

Of course, you cannot go to Beaches and Cream and not get a form of dessert.  We did not even want to attempt nor consider the Kitchen Sink.  One, we were not that hungry; two, it sounds awful!  So we opted for the Fudge Mud Slide.  It was a brownie with three scoops of vanilla ice cream, Oreos, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup.  Mom and I opted to split it.  When the waitress brought it out to us, she even set off the lights and announced it was my birthday to everyone.  The mud slide was really good, but I honestly barely ate any of the brownie portion.  There was so much ice cream, that by the time I got down to the brownie I was nearly about to burst!


I highly recommend this neat little restaurant to anyone who wants some unique outside of the park.  If you are staying at an Epcot resort, you definitely ought to stop in here.  I think this will be a must do on all of our future trips.  We may only visit for the ice cream and maybe appetizers, but we will definitely visit again!

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