Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Three

Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Three

Unexpectedly Homeschool Week Three.jpg

Well we just finished week two of our new normal, and we made some adjustments from the previous week schedule wise. I feel like this entire adventure will be a constantly changing routine for us. We found out some major news in regards to schools here in Alabama, and it hit me hard. I will share more on that later. First up is how we did this last week. 

Things started out great when GoGo Squeeze decided to change their yogurt packaging. We literally spent all of Monday fighting this battle, and it was far from planned. So school was overlooked, and we had to try and figure out a solution for her to overcome this “fear”. We finally got her to eat it after we “fed” it to her, but she still is fighting us to this day…. I didn’t let the day go entirely wasted…I did reorganize our freezer!

Tuesday was supposed to be for dance, but that morning we didn’t have our dance videos. So instead we did Monday’s work! We learned about the letter E and painted paper eggs. We did end up getting our videos by the afternoon so we did get dressed up and danced!

Wednesday was another day of school and crafts! We learned all about the letter C which also led us into our carrot craft! Melody continued crafting and playing with her dress up stickers even after “school” was over.

Thursday was a normal Thursday as far as no school or dance. So we did a grocery pick up and also picked up Melody’s favorite, McDonald’s for lunch! She did do some stamp art when we got home and we went for a walk!

Friday we decided to skip school and work in the yard. Melody helped us pressure wash the front steps and pull up some plants from our front flower bed. She might not have learned a new letter, but doing some yard work is good for you too!

Week Three Plans

So we found out this week that Alabama schools will not be going back for the remainder of the school year. That hit hard for us because it means preschool won’t go back either. We still don’t know all of the details of what that really means, or when we will get to see our sweet teachers again, but we are heartbroken. I haven’t really explained it entirely to Melody that she won’t be going back this school year. I am not quite sure she would really understand. She does know people are sick and that is why we can’t go to dance or school or really anywhere. She is always asking if people are still sick and when we can see our friends again. So it is really sad and hard to hear.

So with Melody just being in preschool, we don’t really have e-learning like most K-12 schools are participating in. I know some preschools are sending videos to their students to help them continue learning, but we just aren’t sure yet how we are going to go forward. But I do know I want to keep teaching her things and keep her on a routine. So Emily Ley of Simplified has put her teacher planners on sale for only $10. So I grabbed one because it will last me until July and will be super beneficial now!


I used the planner to plan multiple things for us. This week I am tackling a learning activity and a craft with Melody daily. I am also using the planner for our “to-dos”, exercise, lunch, and dinner (breakfast is usually the same everyday). I prepped everything Sunday to help make the week go smoother.

I do feel like I am not challenging Melody enough like they do at her preschool. Emily gave me an idea to try and teach Melody things she might not learn at school (such as her birth date, her address, etc.). So I plan to focus on one thing a week and hope that will challenge her some!


So here is to week three!!

Counting Carrots

Counting Carrots

Paper Chains - Disney Countdown

Paper Chains - Disney Countdown