Easter Pictures 2020

Easter Pictures 2020

Easter Pictures 2020.jpg

Easter is definitely not the same this year as previous years. We won’t be spending it with family outside of the three of us. We won’t be having our lunch at Texas de Brazil. And we won’t be able to make it to our church. We are very thankful for technology though. We will still be able to FaceTime our families today. We will likely order a nice lunch. And we can watch church via our computers. Happy [unique] Easter everyone!

I will do a post all about our unique Easter Day later, but for now, you can view all of Melody’s professional Easter pictures below!

I am so thankful to have an aunt who is a professional photographer. Even with all of the craziness, she found a way to still take our Easter pictures of Melody two weeks ago. We were literally the only people there, and we were sure to social distance while in the presence of my aunt. The pictures are so unique and turned out so adorable! 

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Unexpectedly Homeschooling Week Five

Bunny Mask

Bunny Mask