All tagged Easter Pictures

Easter Pictures 2022

We recently had Melody’s Easter pictures taken for the year. She was actually really brave and wanted to take pictures with the baby lamb. Usually we opt for the baby chicks because they aren’t as scary to her, but she was determined to sit with the lamb. Luckily my cousins were there and had no fears. So she was able to warm up to the lamb through them! I thought the pictures turned out adorable!

Easter Pictures 2021

I totally meant to share these pictures yesterday, but life has happened, and I have been busy. I am hoping to get back to blogging more though! So we had these pictures taken by my aunt a few weeks ago. It took Melody a bit to warm up, but she did so well in the end!

Easter Pictures 2020

Easter is definitely not the same this year as previous years. We won’t be spending it with family outside of the three of us. We won’t be having our lunch at Texas de Brazil. And we won’t be able to make it to our church. We are very thankful for technology though. We will still be able to FaceTime our families today. We will likely order a nice lunch. And we can watch church via our computers. Happy [unique] Easter everyone!

Melody's First Easter

Easter weekend started out with an Easter Egg hunt at my in-law's country club.  This was Melody's first Easter Egg hunt, and since she cannot walk yet, it wasn't much of a hunt!  Brad took her around and let her pick up a few eggs though.