Easter Baskets 2020

Easter Baskets 2020

Easter Baskets 2020.jpg

So Easter baskets were a little more difficult this year thanks to the coronavirus. Luckily I did a lot of my shopping before all of this even started, and I would say 90% of this stuff you can even get online either through Amazon or through a pickup service such as Target or Walmart.

Melody’s Basket

Melody’s actual basket is one that she has had since her very first Easter. We wanted to make that a tradition for her. So while this is an adorable thing we do I think, Brad has a rule that everything you give her for Easter must fit in that basket. This sure makes it hard, but I get creative, ha!

I did not really start on Melody’s basket until after the virus caused use to start social distancing and staying home. However, I do keep a box of things I find on sale or clearance that I buy throughout the year for Melody (or even random gifts for parties we are invited to). So almost all of these things came from said box with the exception of the candy and bubbles. The bubbles I bought a while back when I bought Dalton’s basket (coming up below), and the candy I got through a Walmart pickup.


  • Astronaut Barbie

  • Our Generation Bath Outfit (hidden down below)

  • LeapFrog RockIt Twist 2 pack Game (you need RockIt Twist device to use this)

  • Little People Rapunzel and Flynn

  • Bubble Wand

  • 2 packs of M&Ms

All of these things can still be found at Target online.

Lydia’s Basket

So Lydia’s stuff was probably the first thing I bought, however as I am writing this I am still waiting on a portion of it to come in so I didn’t buy everything early, ha. I decided instead of giving her a traditional basket, I would give her a gardening set that came with a basket. Then I would fill it up with things. I also ordered her some cute flexible sunglasses, but those are still waiting to be delivered so I used a pair of Melody’s for the picture. Both of those items came from Amazon. The rest, however, came from Walmart during a pick up order!


  • Gardening Set (this came with a bag, gloves, a watering can, and 3 tools)

  • Sunglasses

  • Handheld Bubble Machine

  • 2 M&M eggs

Dalton’s Basket

I have had Dalton’s basket completed for well over a month now. His was the very first one that I had everything for. I found all of his things from Walmart, so they may still be available for pickup. Similar to Lydia’s, I wanted to give him a basket that wasn’t a basket. So I decided on a Little People truck. He is only 5 months old, so he can’t really have a whole lot of food, and even the toys he can play with are limiting. So I got creative!


  • Little People Dump Truck

  • Little Brother shirt and short set

  • Rubber Duck

  • Socks

  • Sunglasses

  • Teether

  • Bubble Wand

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