All tagged Parmesan

Parmesan Fish

We really don't make fish often enough. I forget to buy it, and just don’t always think about it. And we do make it, I am always trying new recipes like this one! It was really good and gave it something extra by having the breading.

Lemon Parmesan Fish (or Chicken) and Broccoli

In an effort to eat less red meat, I have been searching Pinterest for more fish and chicken recipes.  I found a 20 minute one pan recipe that I decided to give a try.  It turned out really good, but my first attempt wasn't the best.  I didn't love the dish.  I made a few adjustments (including the meat I used), and it was perfect. I have made the adjusted recipe with chicken, and it was great too.  Below is my adjusted recipe to the original I found on Pinterest.  At the VERY bottom I have included the pictures from my original attempt and some more info about why I didn't love it.

Parmesan Biscuits

I found this recipe on the American Diabetes Association website.  However, I changed up the ingredients slightly so the nutritional information no longer applies that is found on their website (unless you use their ingredients).  This may also explain my "flat" biscuits.  Either way, they tasted really good, and not only are they great for breakfast but they would make a great bread serving at dinner too.

Parmesan Asparagus

We love asparagus in our household.  Brad isn't a fan of it from a can, so we usually buy fresh asparagus and try to find different ways to cook it.  Usually we just simply bake it.  But every now and then we like to spruce it up at bit.  This isn't anything super fancy or even complicated, but it adds just a touch of something different to a really great vegetable.