All tagged Pizza

Pizza Bowls

I found this recipe on the Home Chef website. I modified it some to fit better within Noom and to lower the carb count for Brad. It turned out delicious, and it is definitely a recipe we will make again. What is nice is you can adjust all the ingredients to toppings you prefer and customize it for whoever you are making it for!

Mug Subs

I found this recipe on instagram one day. I am going to share what I used to make these “mug subs”, but you can really use just about anything you have on hand that you would normally use to make a warm sandwich with. They are super easy, and they have become a regular lunch item for us!

English Muffin Pizzas

So I make these pizzas on just about anything when I have all the ingredients (today is English Muffins). And let’s be real, I almost ALWAYS have the ingredients on hand considering they are frequent BOGOs at Publix, ha!

Garlic Bread Pizza

So lately I have been trying to make cheap and easy lunches. So these are by far not the healthiest, ha. However they are probably better than some of the frozen meals you can buy. All three ingredients are often BOGOs at Publix which make it a really great deal.

Zucchini Pizza

So a friend of mine posted this recipe on her social media a few weeks ago. It looked so good, I knew we had to try it. We absolutely love it, and we make it most weekends for lunch. It’s super easy and healthy too!

Pizza Sauce

I love pizza, but I am not the biggest fan of making it at home because I haven't found a pizza sauce I love.  Brad likes PizzaQuick but not me.  So I found this pizza sauce recipe online and decided to give it a try.  It still isn't amazing, but it is much better than PizzaQuick!  And you should have most of the ingredients in your pantry.


On our recent trip to Disney World, we tried PizzeRizzo at Hollywood Studios.  This wasn't pre-planned by any means (we originally planned to eat at Backlot Express).  We did plan to eat somewhere at Hollywood Studios for lunch, and we preferred something quick-service to save money.  While Brad was riding Star Tours around 12:30 p.m. or so, Melody and I waited in the Muppet Courtyard in some shade we found.  I have no desire to ride Star Tours unless I am riding it WITH Brad, so we did not do a rider swap for this attraction.  When Brad was finished and came to find me, it occurred to be to try PizzeRizzo since we were literally already right there!  And pizza was the one thing we had not eaten this entire trip.  Below is a quick review!